TechCrunch meetup Taipei - Chili Ideas Party #7


矽谷最酷的網路聚會TechCrunch Meetup來台灣囉!大家都看Techcrunch的部落格,但是沒參加過他們的活動吧,Chili 與Techcrunch 合作,將在10月5號於台北舉辦一場《Techcrunch meetup Taipei》,目的是讓 TechCrunch 深入了解台灣的科技與網路創新,提供台灣創業家登上美國 TechCrunch 的機會。為這場極端特別的活動,我們徵求最酷的網路與手機產品現場 demo,也歡迎有興趣的朋友參加交流討論!請不要錯過這個在美國、歐洲、日本超人氣的活動,趕快報名索取邀請函!

  • 活動日期:2009年10月5日
  • 活動時間:晚上7點報到,活動時間 7:30pm - 9:30pm
  • 活動地點:將列於邀請函內
  • 費用:每人NT$250,收到邀請函後才付費即可
  • 活動對象:(本活動為邀請制,僅歡迎完成報名與付費程序的朋友入場)
創新團隊:徵求已有「英文的」網路、手機服務,或創新的 Device,在現場展示你的產品或應用,請儘快與Chili聯絡。

除了希望在現場作展示的團隊外,我們也歡迎希望開發國際市場、想發展創新應用、想瞭解 Techcrunch,或只是希望認識更多台灣科技創業者的朋友熱烈參加!

  • 索取邀請函:

The first TechCrunch meetup Taipei will take place on Oct.05. The is a special program of Chili Ideas Party - an event to help Taiwan entrepreneurs share their new ideas, projects, and newly launched products. Serkan Toto from TechCrunch will come to introduce the coolest products and web services of Taiwan to the worldwide TechCrunch readers. If you're located in Taiwan, if you have the most innovative technology or web services, please don't miss the important meetup!

  • Event date: Oct.05, 2009
  • Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm (check-in: 7pm)
  • Venue: Please check your invitation letter
  • Fee: NT$250 per person
  • Who should attend?:
Companies who want to show your cool product: If you have the best gadgets, devices, web services, mobile applications...etc, "in English", you're welcomed to reach us from We'd love to invite you to come to demo.
Participants: If you're interested in this meetup, you're very welcomed to join the event!

  • Ask for invitation:
This is an invited-only event. If you would like to get an invitation, please fill up the form after press "register". We'll send you the ATM information and the invitation. After you finish the ATM transfer, you're in!

See you on Oct.05!


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2009/09/27 17:50(+0800) ~ 2009/10/04 19:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料